Exclusive UK Medical Pathway Programme - Dubai

A six-month intensive foundation program for GEMS Middle East students.

More About Exclusive UK Medical Pathway Programme - Dubai

A six-month intensive foundation program for GEMS Middle East students. This program, demanding a 25-hour weekly commitment, focuses on core science modules along with specialized UCAT exam preparation. Successful completion guarantees exclusive access to ringfenced slots in Medicine and Dentistry programs at our partner UK universities. Students can choose between a 4-Year Graduate Entry Medicine Programme or a 5-Year Medicine / Dentistry Programme in the UK, with GEMS Middle East providing ongoing support and guidance.

To gain entry into the UK Medical Pathway Programme, applicants typically need to meet the following requirements:

Academic Qualifications:

Undergraduate entry -
High School Diploma or equivalent.
Graduate Entry-
Possession of an undergraduate degree 2:1 or equivalent in any field.

Language Proficiency - Proficiency in English, often evidenced by a satisfactory score in an English language proficiency test.

Interview Performance - Successful performance in an interview, which may be conducted to assess the applicant’s suitability and commitment to a medical or dental career.

Health and Background Checks - Completion of health screenings and background checks, as required for medical students.

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*Limited Places Available

The UK Medical Pathway Programme offers limited enrollment opportunities, due to the reserved slots at our partner universities in the UK.

To be admitted into the programme, students must fulfill specific criteria in line with the admission requirements of these partner universities.

Start Dates: February 2024 & November 2024
Duration: 6 Months

For more information contact: 
+971 54 492 3332
Any of our strategic partners

Key Features 

Focused Academic Approach

The program is designed for students who are committed to pursuing a career in medicine. The curriculum and training are tailored to meet the demands of medical education and practice, providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in this field

Partnerships with UK Universities

The program boasts strong collaborations with esteemed universities in the UK, offering students direct pathways to medical education in a globally recognized setting. This partnership enriches the learning experience and provides valuable connections

UCAT Preparation

The program includes dedicated preparation for the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT), an essential component for medical school entry in the UK. This preparation equips students with the skills and strategies needed to excel in this critical exam-a mandatory requirement for entry to our partner UK universities

Visa and Placement Support

The program simplifies the UK visa process for international students, easing their transition into the UK educational system. Additionally, it offers placement assistance, guiding students to secure positions in medical or dental fields at UK hospitals upon completion of their medical degree. This comprehensive support ensures a smooth journey from academic studies to professional practice.
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